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OSHA GPT Prompt Examples:
  1. "What are the key OSHA regulations that companies need to comply with in [specific industry]?"

    • "How has OSHA updated its regulations in recent years, and what impact does this have on workplace safety?"

"How can businesses implement OSHA guidelines to enhance workplace safety?"

    • "What are some common workplace hazards that OSHA regulations address, and how can they be mitigated?"

  • "What training programs does OSHA recommend for employees in [specific industry]?"

  • "How can businesses access OSHA resources to improve their safety practices?"

    "Create content for a 5 page PowerPoint slide deck on mold abatement."
      • "What should a business expect during an OSHA inspection?"

      • "How can a company prepare for and respond to an OSHA inspection?"
      • "What are the OSHA reporting requirements for workplace injuries and illnesses?"

      • "How can businesses ensure accurate and timely reporting to OSHA?"
      • "What steps should a company take to ensure they are OSHA-compliant?"

      • "What are the most common OSHA compliance violations, and how can they be avoided?"